After years of dreaming, I finally broke down and bought Final Draft 8. Believe me, it was hard plunking down the $280.00 it took to buy the software, but I have to admit it was totally worth it. There are just so many perks with this program! Not too mention the sample inquiry letters! Anyways, I've been busy all weekend testing out the software and am excited to start using it to finally finish my screenplay and begin submitting to festivals and contests. I'll be sure to post my interesting experiences with this new software as they arrive. We've been busy this evening editing footage from a Citybeat story this weekend. It was pretty neat. We were able to go into the studio with local band Transfer and film them record. I'm not one to gush, but they were amazing. I can't wait till the video is complete so you guys can see how good their sound is. Anyways, I'm off to enjoy what's left of the weekend and pretend I don't have to go into work in 9 hours. Ciao!
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