Monday, September 07, 2009

Broken Elbows, Coppola, and bad movies

Sorry for the lack of posts the last couple of days. As you can see from the picture, things have been hectic. The more adventurous half of El Roberto injured his arm in mortal combat with a cave rock in La Jolla shores today. He has a painful broken elbow but other than that, thankfully he is okay and nursing his wound. PhotobucketWe decided to have a low-key night at home yesterday and watched Youth without Youth, Coppola's film from 2007. There was a lot of hype surrounding it at the time, since it was Coppola's first film in ten years. Back then the critic's didn't think much of it, and sad to say our experience wasn't much better. The movie lasted three days! Or at least felt like it did. It basically consisted of Tim Roth speaking directly to the camera about existential angst while an assembly line of bad actors in period clothing floated in and out of cliched scenes, getting electrocuted by lightening and making vague Nazi threats. I drifted off into dreamland after the 1st hour and a half, when the movie completely changed its entire plot and purpose. Anyways, I don't like criticizing movies too much in our posts but this one was just too life-sucking to ignore. PhotobucketOn a more positive note, we are watching The Salton Sea right now and its pretty good! Interesting plot and fun to watch. We'll be posting more vids tomorrow from some of our Street Scene interviews, so be on the lookout. Happy Labor Day!!

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